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明治19年創業、京都の主要神社仏閣用の大麻製品を製造する "山川" と、アパレルや建築、アートオブジェに至るまで幅広くデザインを手掛けるデザイナー「小島 悠」が生み出す、『未来における人と自然との美しくも歪んだ不自然な調和』を表現する "CYBERNATURE" とのコラボレーション。

参拝者を祓い清め、神霊を招くとされる神社の拝殿に吊られた神聖な鈴[鈴緒]をデザインソースに、現代的な解釈も踏まえ、日常のインテリアとして落とし込んだ 山川 × CYBERNATURE オリジナルデザインの大麻飾りです。

Collaboration between "Yamakawa" , established in 1886 and a hemp product manufacturer for major shrines and temples in Kyoto, and "CYBERNATURE" , a designer "YUTAKAKOJ/MA" , who has worked on a wide range of designs including apparel, architecture and objects, expressing "the beautiful, distorted and unnatural harmony between people and nature in the future”.
This is a Yamakawa x CYBERNATURE original design hemp ornament based on the design source of the sacred bell [SUZUO] hung in the hall of worship at shrines, which is believed to purify worshippers and invite divine spirits, and incorporating a modern interpretation as an everyday interior decoration.

Prayer Rope with Hemp [大麻飾り] ≫

Ⅰ. 神代の昔から日本の暮らしに深く根付いていた大麻(精麻)。縄文時代にはすでに、大麻を織って服や蚊帳にしたり、縄に編んでかごや魚網にしたといわれています。大麻の輝くような艶と白さは、清らかさの象徴でもありました。それを裏付けるように、“清め”を重んじる神道では、今日でも装束や供物、祓えの道具の多くに大麻が用いられています。

Hemp has been deeply rooted in Japanese daily life since the time of the gods. As early as the Jomon period, hemp was woven into clothing and mosquito nets, or woven into rope and used as baskets and fishnets. The shiny sheen and whiteness of hemp is also a symbol of purity, and this is supported by the fact that hemp is still used today in many costumes, offerings and tools for purification in Shintoism, which places great importance on purification.

Ⅱ. 伊勢神宮をはじめ、数多の神社仏閣用のために麻を綯う仕事を五代にもわたって受け継ぎ、従事している山川。全ての作業を120年にわたって伝統的な技法と材料を守り続け、神様の仕事を手掛けてきた職人の手仕事によって1つ1つ制作されています。

Yamakawa has been engaged in twisting hemp for the Ise Shrine and numerous other shrines and temples for five generations. The entire process has been carried out one by one by hand by craftsmen who have been working with the gods for 120 years, preserving traditional techniques and materials. The beautiful tapered shape organically and gradually becomes thinner towards the end, a craftsman's skill shining through.

Ⅲ. 戦後施行された大麻取締法によって現在大麻の生産免許保持者は全国でも数十人。廉価な外国産の大麻の流入や、化学繊維の発展によって、国産大麻の生産は減少の一途を辿っているなか、最高級の栃木県産大麻をふんだんに使用しました。

Under the Cannabis(Hemp) Control Law enacted after the WWⅡ, only a few dozen people in the japan are currently permitted to produce hemp. The influx of cheap foreign hemp and the development of synthetic fibers has led to a steady decline in hemp production in Japan, but this collaborative item uses a lot of top-quality hemp from Tochigi prefecture.

Ⅳ. CYBERNATURE のブランドアイコン的に使われる無地の真鍮金具と、こちらも京都の伝統技術を受け継ぐ錺師(かざりし)の手仕事によって制作されたインパクトのある“鈴”が存在感を放ちます。

The plain brass metal fittings used as CYBERNATURE's brand icon and the high-impact “bell” handcrafted by Kazari-shi, a traditional craftsman in Kyoto, give it a strong presence.

Ⅴ. ※麻引き にも最適なデザイン。

Optimised design for hemp prayer.

Ⅵ. オリジナルパッケージでの配送となり、プレゼントにも最適です。

Comes in a paper box, ideal for gift-giving.




※The purification ritual of hemp-pulling
You can simply display them, but there is also an ancient purification ritual known as "hemp pulling".
Please try to incorporate it into your daily routine.

・Pull and stroke the hemp part from top to bottom.
Please pull three times, as it purifies the three positions of mind, body and spirit.

・For even stronger purification, stroke 3 x 3 = 9 times.
Or stroke the object a number of times in multiples of 3.
You may stroke as many times as you wish.


OVERALL LENGTH [全長] : 25 cm

BELL[鈴] : Φ4cm

JUMP RING[丸カン] : Φ3cm


JAPAN HEMP [国産大麻] ,BRASS [真鍮]

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